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The Fourth Planet

Growth is not the problem. Limits are.

The Fourth Planet tells the story of the establishment of the first

libertarian colony on Mars, inspired by the philosophies of Effective Altruism,

Longtermism and Technological Solutionism.

State of the art singing software has been used to create a suite of songs that

constitute it's operatic form, rendered in a clear infographic style resembling

an expanded Powerpoint presentation.

It depicts a Neofeudal society, forged in the image, and serving the interests of

it's libertarian founder, a symbolic Tech Titan.
The project first attempts to modify the environment to suit man,
When this fails, man is modified to suit the environment, 
Finally, it is decided that perception is the problem, so the mind of man is

modified to suit the environment, (Psycho-engineering).

o Billy McCall's 'Nova Express' project.

A group of artists were asked to each interpret a character from 'Watchmen'. I got Rorschach, and eventually decided to make a

nuclear inkblot test in 3d.
I was surprised to see faces, skulls, claws, demons as the simulation unfurled. This is one piece that would work well as an installation.

©2021 by john butler. Proudly created with

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